9 results - showing 1 - 9
As a part of its activities, UNV opens up opportunities for professional women and men to serve as UNV volunteers and contribute to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
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MSF staff work at the forefront of emergency medical care for populations in need. As well as providing primary healthcare for people suffering from endemic diseases and neglect, MSF also performs surgery, rehabilitates hospitals and clinics, runs nutrition and sanitation programs, trains local medical personnel and provides mental health...
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Since 1964, their volunteers have provided business expertise to enterprises in 130 developing countries. It has earned them the well-deserved reputation of "goodwill ambassadors." Volunteer Experts (VEs) conduct many of their technical and managerial assistance projects overseas. VEs that successfully complete assignments derive enormous satisfaction from helping businesses and...
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Volunteer Abroad O Oikos 0
Oikos is an association engaged in the protection of the environment and the promotion of voluntary service. Projects include conservation projects, but recently Oikos has expanded its focus to include humanitarian programmes as well.
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SCI Work camps are short term projects with long term goals. Most work camps have a specific goal or task to be achieved in the 2
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Volunteer Abroad CI Crossroads International 0
At Crossroads International we recruit volunteers with expertise in a wide range of sectors including information and communications technology, insurance, law, community economic development and women.
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Volunteer Abroad C CESO 0

Volunteer programs

Program type
CESO is one of Canada's leading volunteer-based development organizations. Since 1967, through partnership and the dedication of our volunteers who are highly skilled and experienced in their professions, we have completed more than 46,000 assignments focused on improving the economic and social well-being of peoples across Canada and in...
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Volunteer Abroad VM Verge Magazine 0

Volunteer programs

Going overseas to live, work, teach, volunteer, or study? Interested in sharing your experiences with people considering doing something similar? Apply to blog about your time abroad, as a featured blogger for Verge Magazine. This is an outstanding opportunity to work one-on-one with an editor, hone your...
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Le programme Québec sans frontières permet aux jeunes de 18-35 ans de vivre une expérience interculturelle intense en plus d’une première expérience en solidarité internationale. Ce programme a permis à plus de 7 000 jeunes de s’engager auprès de multiples organisations du Sud œuvrant pour l’éradication de la pauvreté....
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9 results - showing 1 - 9


Travel with purpose; travel for good. Articles, resources and events for ethical and meaningful travel, volunteering, working and studying abroad.

Verge believes in travel for change. International experience creates global citizens, who can change our planet for the better. This belief is at the core of everything we do.

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