Advertising and Events
General Contact
Advertising and Events
Verge Magazine is North America's leading publication for people who travel with purpose.
Verge readers are well educated, adventurous and eager to break out of their comfort zone. A full ninety-five percent of them plan to travel within the next two years.
Verge also produces the Go Global Expo, Canada's largest event dedicated to overseas opportunities: work, study and volunteer opportunities abroad.
Verge magazine provides customized, innovative marketing solutions to support our advertisers’ objectives. We’re happy to discuss your organization’s specific marketing and communications goals and work with you to design a custom cross-media package.
To discuss how Verge can help you meet your organization's marketing goals, please contact:
Jeff Minthorn
phone: +1 705 742 6869
Thanks for your interest in contributing to Verge. We welcome submissions by freelance writers and photographers.
Contributor Guidelines
Contributor guidelines are available here. Please do take the time to read them before pitching a story. And for some great pointers about submitting an article that will catch the attention of our readers (and us), check out these tips…
Bloggers in the field
Going overseas to live, work, teach, volunteer, or study? Interested in sharing your experiences with people considering doing something similar? Apply to blog about your time abroad, as a featured blogger on the Verge Magazine website.
Getting in touch
We ask that all correspondence regarding submissions be done by email (please, no phone calls). Contact us at:
Thanks for your interest in contributing to Verge!
Do you have a subscription question? E-mail us at
Alternatively, you can always call us: (+1) 705 742 6869.
If you are looking to subscribe, please visit our subscriptions page.
Mailing Address
Our mailing address:
171A Rink Street, Suite 239
Peterborough ON K9J 2J6