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Industry insights: Working abroad as a unit publicist

"Things get lost in translation. For example, if a British person says 'Oh, that's really interesting', what they really mean is they absolutely hate it. But the Americans don't understand that, they think the Brits actually think that's interesting, but interesting in North America is a good thing. Interesting in Britain is not a good thing."

"Do internships, try things on your own, make videos, run social media campaigns for your friends...and talk to everyone and tell everyone what you're doing. If you can't be a self-promoter, then you can't promote anyone else."

"Networking 101. People will always ask you what are you up to these days, what kind of job are you doing, so you can use that to launch into either what you're doing or what you want to do. And I find it's really helpful, in any kind of context, to tell a story... It's an amazing way to kind of get on the same level as somebody."

"I think the biggest mistakes I see are people not being honest when they make a mistake. You're so much better off admitting you did something wrong, than if you try to hide it, or that you pretend it never happened. Because it's amazing how those things can come back at you. But it's also amazing how often people don't really care if you make a mistake. They'd much rather know and help you fix it."

"You need to know when to push and when to hold back. If you push too much, too quickly, if it's unnecessary to push, you could potentially ruin those relationships forever."

"Don't be afraid of being lonely. Some of the hardest things I've found, certainly about moving to the Czech Republic, was being alone and trying to pretend that I was fine...You don't always have to be so strong with everyone all the time. It's okay to feel lonely, it's okay to feel isolated, and it's okay to talk about it."


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