International Relief Friendship Foundation: Volunteer Programmes
International Relief Friendship Fund (IRFF) has carried out numerous international relief programmes over the years. Projects have included work in the education, medical and development sectors. Youth Volunteer Camps carry out similar projects. Contact the organization directly for volunteer details.
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Listing Details
- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Angola
- Australia
- Austria
- Bangladesh
- Benin
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Chad
- China
- Czech Republic
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- France
- Germany
- Ghana
- Guatemala
- Guinea-Bissau
- Hungary
- India
- Italy
- Ivory Coast
- Japan
- Kenya
- Laos
- Luxembourg
- Marshall Islands
- Moldova
- Mongolia
- Nepal
- Nigeria
- Norway
- Peru
- Philippines
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- South Africa
- Sri Lanka
- Swaziland
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Uruguay
- Vietnam
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe