Art Noise Travel Residency 2018
Art Noise provides a unique platform for people to experience every type of African art, it doesn't just promote ancient or contemporary art or western African art, but every culture within Africa and it also gives non-Africans the chance to explore African art and be inspired by it. The program is aimed at visual artists, Applied Artists, designers, Art Theorists/writers and cultural students who have interest in exploring both contemporary and ancient African Arts and cultures. Art Noise Travel Residency Program aims to develop and influence world view of creatives by introducing them to cultures different from their own and give them a new cultural experience. Participants will be asked to travel to Kenya, Tunisia and Mauritius and explore the culture and arts of the people within the country and use this experience to create art that tells other people who may not know anything about these communities about the communities. The selected applicants will receive a monthly allowance of up to $2,000 depending on the project, travel allowance, insurance, safety and insurance work space and residential accommodation in the communities. And all works created during this period will be exhibited online and in Lagos, Nigeria, the largest city in Africa.
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Art Noise celebrates Africa’s multiculturalism and diversity and brings consumers of art a mix of ancient and contemporary arts, culture, food and style from the most creative minds across the North, West, East, Southern and central Africa.