Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Education Bureau: HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund
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Listing Details
The Education Bureau is responsible for the formulation of policies to ensure that quality education is provided for Hong Kong’s young people. The Bureau also oversees the implementation of programmes that are designed to bring these objectives to fruition.
The HKSAR government has always attached great importance to education. The goal is to progressively establish a diversified and sustainable education system that provides ample opportunities for the young generation to develop their diverse interests and talents to meet their personal aspirations, as well as to contribute to the well-being of society, the nation, and the world.
Students of full-time publicly-funded degree or above level programmes
(a) excellent performance in academic studies;
(b) recognized contribution to the institution/society;
(c) demonstrated leadership and good communication skills; and
(d) strong commitment to the Hong Kong community.
Students of full-time publicly-funded sub-degree programmes
(a) high standard of academic performance;
(b) demonstration of leadership and good communication skills;
(c) valuable contribution to the institution/community; and/or
(d) strong commitment to the Hong Kong community.