Get paid to work in a selection of countries from around the world. Travel and see more on days off. Participants can also join a volunteer program and immerse themselves in another culture or study languages abroad. Short group trips are available as well.
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Study programs
Program type
Together with faculty leaders and administrators, we create custom designed study abroad programs that are based on the learning objectives unique to their courses. We are committed to offering the highest quality in academic and professional visits, guest lectures, and meetings - all carefully selected to match the focus...
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Program type
Semester at Sea is a global study abroad program taking students around the globe aboard the MV Explorer each fall and spring semester, and on shorter, regional voyages each summer. The MV Explorer has been equipped as a floating university. The University of Virginia serves as the program's academic...
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Study programs
Program type
Canadian students who are currently in full time attendance at a university or college in Canada studying engineering, technical sciences or technologies such as architecture, agriculture and forestry, can be placed abroad through IAESTE Canada. Most jobs are for undergraduates who have completed three-quarters of their degree program. Students...
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Study programs
Program type
Sea|mester is the premier provider of at sea programs for continuing education and gap year students. Sea|mester offers unique Caribbean and global educational adventures with a range of college accredited courses on seamanship, marine biology, oceanography, sailing, scuba diving, and student leadership. Students live and work aboard a traditional...
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Study programs
Program type
International Partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership (IPSL) programs unite academic learning with volunteer service to the community. IPSL programs offer academic, credit-bearing courses combined with amazing service-learning opportunities in Hanoi (Vietnam), Thailand, Cambodia, France, Italy, Ireland, Ecuador (Quito/Galapagos Islands and Guayaquil), Thessaloniki (Greece) Arusha (Tanzania) London, England, Cordoba (Argentina)...
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The Eurolingua Institute provides opportunities to learn foreign languages in the countries where they are spoken. They offer programs throughout Europe, North America, Latin America, Caribbean, South Africa, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
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Flying Fish offers courses in many water sports leading to internationally recognized qualifications. Courses are offered in skiff sailing, diving, kitesurfing, rescue and safety, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, windsurfing, yacht racing and yacht training. What is included in program fees various by course. Check online for specific prices and what is...
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CESA Languages Abroad provides language courses for international participants. Languages offered include Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, German, Greek, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. Program costs, lengths and dates vary by location. Accommodation is available at a extra cost per week. CESA Languages is a part of the Year Out Group....
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CYA offers semester, academic year, and summer programs. Courses are taught in English. Extensive on-site courses as well as study travel to main sites of Greece supplement lectures. Students live in apartments in central Athens and have weekends free to explore Greece.
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