The UNIDO ad hoc internship programme has been established for students from diverse academic backgrounds. Its purpose is to promote a better understanding of the organization's goals and objectives and, at the same time, to give insight about efforts to ...
The Internship Programme is geared towards providing offices at the ICTR with the assistance of students and professionals specializing in fields relevant to the work of the Tribunal, such as international relations, law, economics, political science, phi ...
The UNICEF Internship Programme offers eligible/qualified students at both Headquarters and country offices the opportunity to acquire direct practical experience in UNICEF's work under the direct supervision of experienced UNICEF staff.
The objective of the internship programme is to provide a framework through which graduate and postgraduate students from diverse academic backgrounds may be assigned to the UNFCCC to enhance their educational experience through practical work assignments ...
Road2Argentina offers internship placements in a wide range of fields and their staff is continually seeking new internship opportunities according to the interests and needs of their participants. Internships are currently available in Buenos Aires in th ...
Each year UNIDIR offers a limited number of unpaid internships. Successful applicants are able to demonstrate a strong interest in disarmament, security, arms control, peace studies or related issues and have an understanding of and experience in research ...
Connect-123 facilitates international internship and volunteer positions, linking students and graduates with hands-on learning opportunities in Argentina, China, Ireland, South Africa and Spain for personal and career development. We work across a wide r ...
Study Australia, LLC offers courses at 19 highly reputable universities in Australia and New Zealand, Study Australia gives students the opportunity to study courses in their major or take electives in areas of interest to them. Semester, full year, summe ...
The Internship Programme of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia offers professionals, graduate students, and undergraduate students who are in their final stages of education the possibility to enhance their professional training ...
The United Nations provides opportunities for students enrolled in a graduate programme to undertake an internship at its Headquarters in New York. The objective of the internship programme is threefold: a) to provide a framework by which graduate and pos ...
The Junior Professional Programme (JPP) is a starting point for careers at the Inter-American Development Bank. The Bank has traditionally sought skills in areas such as economics, finance, engineering, business, management, law, education, health, and pu ...
Experiential Learning International (ELI) partners with local organizations to provide international internships in various fields including education, conservation, health care, law, business, media/communications, development and humanitarian work. Inte ...
JHR provides an opportunity for experienced journalists and lawyers to contribute to media development and human rights awareness in some of the world's poorest yet most dynamic regions. JHR does not send journalists or lawyers overseas to work by themsel ...
GLS can arrange unpaid internships in Berlin. Participants must participate in at least a 4 week language course prior to beginning the internship. Internships are 6, 8 or 12 weeks long, and begin after participants finish their German course. Internship ...
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1965 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the Organization through appropriate training and research.
The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) accepts a limited number of unpaid interns on an ad hoc basis. The objective of the internship programme is to enhance the educational experience of graduate and post-graduate ...
Students are considered for attachment at IMO Headquarters only at the request of their Governments or appropriate governmental authorities if the country concerned is a Member State of IMO or at the request of Universities/high learning institutions. The ...
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1965 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the Organization through appropriate training and research.
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) accepts interns from time to time on an ad hoc basis. The internships are open to graduate or post-graduate students, who have specialized in a field related to UNECE programmes of work, namely: en ...
Travel with purpose; travel for good. Articles, resources and events for ethical and meaningful travel, volunteering, working and studying abroad.
Verge believes in travel for change. International experience creates global citizens, who can change our planet for the better. This belief is at the core of everything we do.