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Want to teach overseas? Find the perfect program, with Verge Magazine's Program Search of nearly 1,000 teach abroad programs, TEFL jobs and resources.
Teach programs
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Looking for an opportunity to share a holiday with a group of people to help a less fortune society? Join a Bangladesh Work Camps Association (BWCA) camp! Work Camp projects include social welfare, rural development, community and organizational development, health care, environmental conservation, helping in administration, mobilizing resources and many...
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Teach programs
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COOPI is committed to fighting against social injustice and poverty in the global South and to building a future that guarantees everyone adequate living conditions, equal opportunities and respect of their rights. In order to carry out its development projects and emergency interventions COOPI needs skilled personnel and volunteers, who...
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Teach programs
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The Teaching Internship programme allows participants to live in a rural village with one other intern and teach in the community
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Teach programs
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Global Routes' High School Programs allow students to become fully immersed in a foreign culture while gaining valuable volunteer and service experience. Whether volunteers are teaching English in Asia, building a community center in South America or a school in Africa, one thing is certain: this overseas voluntary work experience...
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Global Service Corps offers volunteer programmes ranging from two to nine weeks in Thailand and Tanzania. Internship placements of nine weeks and more are available in the same countries. Projects include HIV/AIDS prevention, sustainable agriculture, international health, education, Buddhist immersion and healthcare and HIV/AIDS.
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GVI courses offer the individual the chance to gain competence, qualifications and practical experience in conservation, education and outdoor skills. Current courses include Safari Field Guide programmes, TEFL courses and language classes.
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Short and long term projects are available for volunteers who wish to make a difference by volunteering their time internationally. Projects take place in Africa, Latin America and Asia and range from working with street children in Ecuador, teaching English or French in Morocco, promoting HIV awareness among women in...
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International Partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership (IPSL) programmes unite academic learning with volunteer service to the community. IPSL programs offer academic, credit-bearing courses combined with amazing service-learning opportunities in Hanoi (Vietnam), Thailand, Cambodia, France, Italy, Ireland, Ecuador (Quito/Galapagos Islands and Guayaquil), Thessaloniki (Greece) Arusha (Tanzania) London, England, Cordoba (Argentina)...
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Teach programs
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International Relief Friendship Fund (IRFF) has carried out numerous international relief programmes over the years. Projects have included work in the education, medical and development sectors. Youth Volunteer Camps carry out similar projects. Contact the organization directly for volunteer details.
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KIDS Worldwide helps to organize placements for international volunteers to get involved in projects for children located in developing countries around the world. These projects are managed by organizations registered in the country in which they work. Kids Worldwide is different from the majority of other volunteer organizations in that...
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