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Volunteer programs
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In summer 2013, we are offering 8 international workcamps in Brittany and Pays de la Loire region (western France) on built heritage and environment. Our three week workcamps are opened to any young person from 18 years old who wants to live an enriching experience within a...
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Activities planned for volunteers fill the gaps in skills and educational needs identified by our project partners in Africa. Each expedition is unique, based on those who make up the group. A volunteer who comes, again and again, will have a new experience with each expedition. Activities...
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Volunteer programs
Sambhali Trust provides underprivileged Rajasthani women and girls with educational, vocational, and social skills to help them to become confident and financially independent. We specifically work with Dalit women and girls, in Jodhpur or the village of Setrawa who have little or no access to education or basic health...
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Work with elephants, children and nature. You can get real experiance with Sri Lanka and its people. We provide to you good accommodation, good food and 24-hours security and services.
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Volunteer programs
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Gapforce is an established provider of structured Gap Year and summer programs overseas. We offer volunteering programs, expeditions, training courses and internships across 5 specialist divisions: Greenforce: Marine research projects, teaching, community development, animal and rainforest conservation and sports coaching programs Trekforce: Survival & Leadership...
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Máximo Nivel believes in experiential education as a means to develop skills and understanding; ultimately, transforming international learners and travelers into global citizens and leaders. We are dedicated to providing a successful and supportive learning environment through personalized programs and delivering the best education, language, and cultural experiences in Latin...
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Association of International Volunteers of Costa Rica. Known locally in Costa Rica as AVIC, is a Costa Rican Non-Profit Association. We offer a range of projects to from teaching, community development, construction, animal and environment conservation. We also make sure you learn about the culture of Costa Rica and...
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Give a Heart To Africa (GHTA) is non-profit organization that provides FREE education to disadvantaged women. Our mission is to empower women with the skills to improve their situations and pull themselves out of poverty via education and entrepreneurship. We operate a small business vocational school and...
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Mer et Monde est un organisme québécois d'initiation à la coopération internationale implanté au Honduras et au Sénégal. Nous offrons des stages, de groupe et individuels, sur mesure et adaptés aux étudiants ainsi qu'à l'ensemble de la population, active ou retraitée, âgée de 18 ans et plus. En plus...
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Volunteer programs
Established in 2005, GIVE International is a Canadian-based charitable trust that supports and implements health, education and child development projects in East Africa. We engage in development initiatives that are reflective of the region's social, economic and cultural landscape by supporting projects that are established and/or sustained by members...
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