Australian Volunteers International: Professional Volunteer Assignments


  • 6-12 months
  • 12 months+
Minimum age
Maximum age
Student status required
Qualifications required
  • Graduate degree
  • Undergraduate degree
Language notes
If a second language is necessary~ AVI will organize language tuition upon arrival in the host country.
Application process
These volunteer programmes will appeal to professionals who are seeking an overseas work contract for one or more years. Apply for specific positions online through the Australia Volunteers International website. Applications are due approximately 2 months prior to the anticipated start date. Note: positions are limited for volunteers from countries other than Australia.


Price range
  • n/a
Price includes
  • Accommodation
  • Orientation
With Australia Volunteers International, volunteers make a hands on difference in the fight against poverty. They can help advocate, develop programmes, monitor and evaluate success of Australian Volunteers International's volunteer programmes worldwide. Professionals are needed a various fields, including nursing, communications, education, English teaching, business, social work, trades, allied health and many other professions. Although overseas candidates can apply for some projects, most opportunities are reserved for Australia citizens.

Organization details

Australian Volunteers International provides opportunities for Australians to become volunteers and assists them in sharing the learning from their international experiences. International volunteers share their knowledge, experiences and skills as they live, work and learn in response to needs ...


Travel with purpose; travel for good. Articles, resources and events for ethical and meaningful travel, volunteering, working and studying abroad.

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