Kings World Trust for Children: Volunteer Programme
Volunteer programs
- 2 weeks - 1 month
- 1-3 months
Minimum age
Maximum age
Student status required
Application process
To apply, download and complete an application form from the website. Submit this directly to Kings World Trust for Children.
Price range
- under $1000
- $1001-$2500
- $2501-$5000
- >$5000
The UK & USA branches of Kings World Trust work in partnership with Kings World Trust for Children (India) which manages and controls the operational work of the Trust on mutually agreed projects with children and young people. The Trust operates a volunteer programme in India to support the work of their Indian staff. Volunteers may be skilled or unskilled but all should be committed to working with disadvantaged children and young people. All volunteers will be involved in Teaching English to children during their placement with KWTC.
Our Address in India:
Post: 1/383 Main Road, Pudhur, Achampadu (PO), Near Vallioor, Tirunelveli District,
627 – 117, Tamil Nadu, S. India
Phone: + 91 (0) 4637 329696 / 329988
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our Address in USA:
135 Perry Street, Apt. 3, NY, NY 10014, USA
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our Address in India:
Post: 1/383 Main Road, Pudhur, Achampadu (PO), Near Vallioor, Tirunelveli District,
627 – 117, Tamil Nadu, S. India
Phone: + 91 (0) 4637 329696 / 329988
Our Address in USA:
135 Perry Street, Apt. 3, NY, NY 10014, USA