Canadian Humanitarian: Expedition to Ethiopia, Ghana or Guatemala - a life changing experience
Volunteer programs
- 2 weeks or less
- 2 weeks - 1 month
- $2501-$5000
- Accommodation
- Airfare
- Airport pick-up
- Ground transport
- Orientation
Activities planned for volunteers fill the gaps in skills and educational needs identified by our project partners in Africa. Each expedition is unique, based on those who make up the group. A volunteer who comes, again and again, will have a new experience with each expedition.
Activities may include visiting homes of students, repairing student homes, construction, medical, nursing, dental, social work, teaching in schools, educational training sessions, gardening, conversational English, small business training, sports, art, music and teaching basic life and public health skills. Everyone has something they can contribute as a volunteer.
A typical day is eight to ten hours, Monday to Saturday with Sunday as a day off. While some cultural and touring opportunities may be part of your group’s activities, it is not the focus of the expedition. Volunteers serve in impoverished urban and rural areas of Africa, requiring travel in vehicles, and sometimes walking.