uVolunteer - Volunteer Work & Travel Abroad
Volunteer programs
- 2 weeks or less
- 2 weeks - 1 month
- 1-3 months
- High school
- Undergraduate/college
- Graduate
- High school or equivalent
- under $1000
- $1001-$2500
- Accommodation
- Airport pick-up
- Entrance fees
- Insurance
- Meals
- Orientation
uVolunteer specializes in providing volunteer work placements in Costa Rica, Ghana and Thailand. Our service learning projects include teaching, care and community, construction, environment and animal conservation.
Our program promotes change and provides direction and purpose for our participants. Additional benefits are cultural insight, adventure and a safe environment for groups, independent travellers, lone female travellers and students on study breaks.
Download Program Brochure: http://bit.ly/go-uvol-brochure