IAMAT: Find health information and doctors abroad

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Date modified
February 01, 2018

Up-to-date health advice, qualified doctors and improving lives

Like you, we love travel. Travellers have trusted our experience in travel health to give them peace of mind, up-to-date health information, and a safety net away from home since 1960. We are a non-profit organization that keeps travellers healthy. We help you plan a healthy trip, connect you with reputable English-speaking doctors, and award scholarships to improve healthcare where you travel. Membership is free, valid for one year, and renewable with a donation.

Organization details

Our mission is to make the world a healthier place to travel. We protect the well-being of travellers with up-to-date health information and our international network of English-speaking doctors committed to helping travellers. Our travel medicine scholarships improve lives by enhancing health ...


Travel with purpose; travel for good. Articles, resources and events for ethical and meaningful travel, volunteering, working and studying abroad.

Verge believes in travel for change. International experience creates global citizens, who can change our planet for the better. This belief is at the core of everything we do.

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