UNAIDS brings together the efforts and resources of 10 UN system organizations to the global AIDS response. Based in Geneva, the UNAIDS secretariat works in more than 75 countries.
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UNOV manages and implements the programme on the peaceful use of outer space and provides common services, such as conference management, public information, security & safety for the Vienna International Centre (VIC). UNOV is closely associated with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), through which additional common...
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UNOPS is part of the United Nations system. They provide a wide range of operational management services to clients, from infrastructure and public works, census and elections support, and landmine awareness to public sector reform and programmes aimed at eradicating poverty.
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United Nations Volunteers is the United Nations focal point for promoting and harnessing volunteerism for effective development. It is entrusted with raising awareness of volunteerism and its contribution to development, providing technical assistance to develop volunteerism, and mobilizing volunteers nationally and internationally.
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United Planet's is an international non-profit organization that strives to create a world in which all people understand, respect, and support one another.. Through local partnerships, they provide meaningful volunteer experiences and support for communities in need in over 40 countries.
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The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs' (ECA) mission is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries by means of educational and cultural exchange that assist in the development of peaceful relations.
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The UvA is a broad, research-intensive institution rooted in the history of Amsterdam, an internationally oriented academic community that can compete with leading universities in the Netherlands and around the world. The UvA provides academic training in all areas of science and scholarship, and welcomes students and staff – from...
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Universities Canada manages government-funded international partnership programs and more than 130 scholarship programs on behalf of private sector companies. Universities Canada has partnered with Community Foundations of Canada and Rideau Hall Foundation to manage the Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships Program. This program is made possible with...
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University College Lillebaelt offers educational programs contributing to the development of society, and is very interested in accepting international students.
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UCL Laws is one of the world’s leading law schools. From first lectures in 1826 to the present day, they have been at the forefront of the teaching and research of law. Located in the heart of London, they attract some of the brightest and best students and staff...
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