Imperial College London’s mission is to achieve enduring excellence in research and education in science, engineering, medicine and business for the benefit of society.
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Whether it's finding oil and gas, making and selling high-quality petroleum products, or investing in innovative research, Imperial Oil contributes to Canada's quality of life and energy future.
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In Defense of Animals-Africa is a non-profit organization operating in the Republic of Cameroon in direct collaboration with Cameroon's Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife. Their mission is to provide sanctuary for chimpanzee orphans in Cameroon, and to promote the social and cultural conditions which ensure endangered great apes survive...
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The Incorporated E A Abbey Memorial Scholarships (the Abbey Awards) were founded by Gertrude Abbey in 1926, to enable British and American painters to pursue their artistic practices.
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Independent Living Alternatives (ILA) is an organization of disabled people providing a comprehensive range of personal assistance services. They aim to enable people who need personal assistance, to be able to live independently in the community and take full control of their lives and thereby have individuality and spontaneity....
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Indspire is an Indigenous-led registered charity that invests in the education of Indigenous people for the long term benefit of these individuals, their families and communities, and Canada.
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A trusted name in the insurance industry since 1946, Ingle International knows travel insurance. We provide students and travellers with the protection they need while travelling, studying, working, or living far away from home.
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Inlingua is a language training and translation services over a wide range of languages.
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The mission of the Institut Français d’Amérique is to promote, in North America, the study of French culture, language, history, society and French-American relations and to encourage the work of teachers, scholars, and students in these fields.
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