Brytania School of English is a language school based in Poland. The school teaches English predominantly, but also runs courses in Spanish and German.
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BUNAC was established in 1962 and is today recognised as a market leader in coordinating high quality, ethical volunteering programmes abroad. With over 49 years’ experience, and now providing volunteering programmes in Africa, Asia and the Americas, BUNAC’s expertise in establishing sustainable volunteer projects is unrivalled.
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BUTEX brings together universities, colleges and other HE institutions across the UK that have a shared interest in learning abroad. Their mission is to promote British education internationally, to facilitate collaboration and regular exchange of information between our members, to develop expertise and to influence the future of international education....
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Bangladesh Work Camps Association (BWCA) is a voluntary youth organization working in various fields. These include helping communities, NGOs and others to help them cope with natural hazards.
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Cactus Volunteers Abroad are a UK-based company who offer a wide range of volunteer programmes in countries across the world.
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CAEP is a worldwide organization of partners in 42 countries that work with people wishing to gain experience through international paid internships. They help participants apply experience they have gained practically or in the classroom to CAEP programs.
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Caledonia Languages Abroad is a Scottish company who organizes language study courses and holidays in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean.
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Camphill Communities in England and Wales offer opportunities for people with learning disabilities, intellectual disability and special needs to learn and work. They maintain twenty-three communities in England and Wales including independent residential and day schools, specialist colleges of further education and adult communities.
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