Le Carrefour de solidarité internationale est un organisme sans but lucratif agissant en solidarité internationale par des projets de développement en partenariat avec des ONG du Sud, l’envoi de stagiaires à l’international et l’éducation à la population de l’Estrie.
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Demiks is an international language school agency representing language schools in Mexico and Canada. Visit for more details and list of language programs.
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[English will follow] informe gratuitement les jeunes qui souhaitent partir à l’étranger avec un Visa Vacances-Travail (Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Grande-Bretagne, France, Canada, Japon, Chili...) de la demande de visa à la recherche d’un emploi, en passant par la préparation au départ, la recherche d’un logement ou encore...
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Ruach Tova (“Good Spirit” in Hebrew) is the leading organization in the field of volunteering in Israel, specializing in matching volunteers with organizations. Our largest project is Good Deeds Day, a global day of doing good, mobilizing millions around the world.
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Go Volunteer Africa is the largest volunteer travel organization in Africa with offices in Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Togo, Senegal and run by volunteers spread around the world.
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Leagues Ahead Diving in Playa Del Ingles is a premier scuba diving centre and is the ‘go to place’ for all Scuba Diving and Snorkelling excursions in Gran Canaria.
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A social enterprise located in Felipe Carrillo Puerto, a small Maya town in Quintana Roo, we are committed to helping students, both international and local, achieve their language goals.
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Blue Water Diving brings excitement and safety and encourages people to become certified divers.
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We aim to educate & inspire to enable new thinking and innovations to reach the food world and sustainable market through experience, research & cross-cultural connection.
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Our mission is to provide ethical, engaging, and creative travel experiences that facilitate genuine cross-cultural connection and learning opportunities, inspiring compassion towards fellow human beings.
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