CCUSA- Camp Counselors USA: Work and Travel Abroad
Camp Counselors USA (CCUSA) offers a multitude of programs which can help travelers combine the experience of a lifetime with a working holiday. With departure dates weekly and multiple programme options, they give participants the flexibility to design the programme that's right for them - either alone or with friends. Our programs include: - Camp Counselors USA - Work Experience USA - Camp California - Croatia - Intern USA - Practical Training USA - Camp Counselors Russia - Volunteer Experience South Africa - Work Experience Down Under. Here at CCUSA we are here to help you every step of the way, through sponsoring and guidance through the visa process, placing you at a summer camp (for our Camp Counselors Programs), helping you find a job once you arrive (for our Work and Travel programs) and much much more. Plus we've all been there so we know the importance of keeping the process as simple and affordable as possible! Get in contact today and start planning an adventure to remember!
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