BrainGain: Work with a Startup or Social Enterprise
After living and working abroad for 5 years, we realized that the majority of options to work internationally are through teaching English or volunteer work. We knew that people wanted career relevant work experience that would pay them a good salary, but the solution we craved didn't we started BrainGain. BrainGain has jobs available in Digital Marketing, Business Development, Finance, Design, and Software Programming. Positions range in duration anywhere from 3 months to 2+ years depending on what you are looking for. We also actively work with job seekers who want help in everything from resume advice to salary negotiations, finding housing in a new city, and how to get settled as fast as humanly possible. If you are looking for a real job with real responsibility that will help you grow and advance your career professionally, we are here to help. We believe in work 1st, travel 2nd, and we aim to help the career oriented professional create an international lifestyle.
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