Peace Corps: Promoting world peace and friendship
The Peace Corps provides Volunteers for nearly 70 countries that request assistance in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, the Pacific Islands, and the Middle East. Since 1961, more than 215,000 Americans of all ages have served in 139 countries worldwide, working in a variety of areas, from education to agriculture.
Peace Corps Volunteers come from all walks of life and have a broad range of skill sets and career priorities, but they all want to volunteer to serve others. Some potential Volunteers will be interested in a specific area of the world, others in a specific language, program, or sector area. No matter what your personal priority is, you can express your preference to the Peace Corps.
The length of service is 27 months, which includes an average of three months of in-country training that provides language, cross-cultural, technical, and health and safety skills. Volunteers are placed where their skills match the needs of host countries. They live in the communities they serve, be it a small rural village or large urban city. Their work around the globe represents a legacy of service that has become a significant part of America’s history and positive image abroad. Their desire to make a difference has improved the lives of millions of people around the world and at home. Volunteers return to the United States as global citizens, with leadership, cross-cultural understanding, and language and technical skills that position them well for professional opportunities.
Unlike many other international volunteer programs, there is no fee to participate in the Peace Corps. To join, you must be at least 18 years old and a U.S. citizen. Volunteers have a variety of skills, work experience, and education levels—90 percent have at least an undergraduate degree. The Peace Corps also considers work, hobbies, and volunteer experiences that align with the skills it is seeking. Demonstrating motivation and commitment, work skills and knowledge, social sensitivity, and emotional maturity will help any applicant. In addition, establishing a good track record of employment and successfully achieving job competence may help demonstrate your productivity. You must meet the minimum education and experience qualifications for an assignment.
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