Elghana: Mission trips to Africa
Mission trips for high school students and a separate trips for colleges/university students from around the world to meet, make friends and work together to improve the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children in Africa. Join tons of cultural activities, supervised trips to places of interest, safaris, language, drumming and dancing lessons.
Are you a group looking for a missions trip?
To those college, high school, church and work based groups who have decided to undertake a mission trip, We are happy to welcome you as a group, run our project with you on your own dates. members or leaders can make an inquiry. If your interest is to help, make a difference in the lives of children and women, explore new cultures and places, then we can work with you.
Americans Serving Abroad Projects (ASAP) group trips are organized and led by Lauri Rupracht, a nurse of 28 years experience working in Syracuse, New York. Groups serve in various projects. Popular trips are medical missions to villages in Africa: Pre-Med students, medical students, nursing students, nurses and doctors join this trip. Other trips include working with children in remote villages and orphanages. Each trip includes exciting activities like safaris, drumming and dancing,arts market, historical sites, etc.
Healthcare Overseas Team (H.O.T.) provide a platform for healthcare students and professionals from Europe to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged societies in Africa. Group trips are organized and led by Julie Wilkinson, an NHS pharmacist in Oxford, England. Due to the wide range of activities, people without any healthcare experience or training can join the group to provide support roles whilst learning from the group as well. Each trip includes exciting activities like safaris, exotic beaches, nights out, arts market, historical sites, and cultural festivals.
Team Empowering African Children's Hope (T.E.A.C.H.) embark on trips to Africa to support programs and projects that promotes the welfare and growth of children living in poor, rural and deprived villages. We teach children to use a computer, improve English, improve maths, teach new games and do construction works for orphanages and village schools. Led by Dr Tonya Fulton-Thomas. She has been involved in Service Learning and Community Organizing for over a decade, founder of Daughters2Mothers and Program director at Miami Dade College.
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