Earthsong Foundation: Learn from Mother Earth on the island of Hawai'i
Sustainable living, getting off-the-grid, growing and cooking food as medicine, holistic health, the healing arts, and developing a deeper and more engaged relationship with the Earth - these are just a few of the learning opportunities you will have during a program with Earthsong. There are many in-categorical lessons that await you here on this sacred three acres of food forest and wild Hawaiian nature. Earthsong is a place to visit when you are ready and willing to listen to the song of the Earth, to remain present with what is stirred up in you through the elemental forces. For us, stewarding land is interconnected with a commitment to self-care and self-inquiry. That is why we support our efforts on the land with a range of holistic health practices including yoga, meditation, therapeutic touch, somatic practices, and we are focused on feeding our bodies with the highest level of nutrition from seed to fork. We share our knowledge to inspire others to live a healthy and whole life and for people to leave Earthsong with an expanded and elevated consciousness.
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