Volunteer Global: Volunteer Abroad Programs
Volunteer Global has recently launched our first direct placements in Central America! Through our programs in Mexico, Belize, and Nicaragua, you can help with animal sanctuary assistance, medical care, English teaching, community development, educational activities, agriculture, social media and blogging, and much more. Programs last one week or longer and start from $209. 80% or more of your program fee is given directly to your host group in-country, while Volunteer Global provides support and guidance from the United States. Throughout the year, we also offer volunteer trips to Washington, D.C. Internships are available in Nicaragua and Belize, with a focus on business development and volunteer support. New programs are added each month--and keep a lookout this winter for new placements in Costa Rica, Antigua, and Panama!
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Listing Details
For most projects, we ask you to fill out the online inquiry form, and a member of the Volunteer Global team will get in touch with you to schedule a Skype interview to answer any questions you have, give you more information about your project, and guide you through the registration process.