Helping Kenya: Small, affordable volunteer projects on the beautiful Kenyan coast
Conservation: If you have a passion to help save the world and it’s animals, we want you. Our projects need people with initiative, drive and can think outside the box. Helping Kenya represents many projects, including a Dolphin Research Programme, Whale Shark Conservation and Education Project, Sea Turtle and Local Conservation Project and a Colobus Monkey Conservation Programme. Each situated in a stunning location, allowing you to explore the local environment in your spare time.
Community: There are many problems facing Kenyans today. With lack of employment, natural resource degradation, and challenges from an ever changing world. Our projects aim to identify and tackle the problem communities face and provide them with a way of making a tangible livelihood, as well as nurturing the talents. From recycling washed up flip flops into artwork and toys and helping develop alternative and sustainable business plans, to after school sports coaching and working in hospitals, Helping Kenya has some fantastic opportunities for a range of interests.
Schools and Orphanages: In Kenya, orphanages are not funded by the government in any way. Not a penny. They rely on public donations, and as a result some are in desperate need. Helping Kenya have several orphanages that we work with. All are of different levels of need and establishment. We have some very well run, equipped and funded orphanages, and others in desperate need of rebuilding, and funds. Some have schools attached to them, that also serve the local community.
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