Experience Mission: Immersion
Throughout the program you will interact with Experience Mission staff and local community leaders as we wrestle with questions like: How do you live your everyday life as mission? How do you uphold dignity while serving others? How do you recognize your life calling? How do you empower and partner with people to carry out a vision for their community? As you go through this process of self-growth, you will also be a part of making a positive impact in each community and forming life-long relationships.
Take part in projects that tackle real social, physical and spiritual needs, such as teaching English, organizing kids programs at orphanages, partnering with local churches, organizing water projects and developing micro-finance strategies for the community. Get ready to ask the hard questions about yourself as you examine your relationship with God and others. Take a leadership role on the team and actively participate in shaping the program. Your day-to-day life will vary in each community, so please come with a willing and flexible heart to serve in a variety of ministry opportunities.
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888.475.6414 ext. 104