Canada World Youth: Winter Projects
Youth have always been at the heart of what we do, how we do it, and why we do it.
Our community-driven development projects were created to provide young people with the knowledge and experience they need to make an impact on a global scale.
Our Six-Nine Week Youth Leaders in Action (YLA) projects aim to foster the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, and lead to increased self-esteem and empowerment, all of which lead to active and meaningful involvement in community development. These projects last 6 weeks and take place in the exchange country only with teams of 12 to 18 Canadian youth. The Six-Nine week YLA project is the perfect option for someone who is interested in exploring the world of international development and volunteering overseas and whom are only able to leave for a short period of time.
What we offer: 6-9 week international youth exchange project
Who we're looking for: Canadian citizen or permanent resident Youth aged 17-25 (as of December 31st, 2013)
Cost: $2400 (Flights included in this cost). There is also a non-refundable registration fee of CAN$250 to be paid after you have applied online.
The experiences we offer are unique, authentic and will change the way you see the world. Perhaps more importantly, the life experience you gain will empower you to make an impact. We start from the ground up, volunteering our time and giving back to our local communities.
Your volunteering projects could include:
• Organizing a public awareness event on poverty and food security.
• Facilitating group-led workshops with a focus on the challenges and opportunities for people living with HIV/AIDS.
• Working with a local school, youth group, or adult education center to promote a local environmental initiative.
Guess what?
37,000 youth have participated in this mind-blowing experience since 1971.
Don't miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime.
Canada World Youth:
Founded in 1971 by the late Honourable Jacques Hébert (1923-2007), Canada World Youth (CWY) is a world leader in developing international educational programs for young people aged 15 to 35. A non-profit organization, CWY is dedicated to enriching the lives of young people that have a desire to become informed and active global citizens. CWY programs are designed to help youth experience the world for themselves, learn about other cultures and diverse Canadian communities while developing leadership and communication skills.
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