One-stop-shop for information for Canadians travelling and living abroad
The website is the Government of Canada’s one-stop shop for Canadians travelling, living, studying and working abroad. Before a trip, Canadians are encouraged to consult travel advice and advisories to learn about entry/exit requirements, local laws and security conditions in their destinations.
Read our publications, stay connected to our social media platforms and download the Travel Smart App to access timely advice on everything needed to make smart travel choices.
The Registration of Canadians Abroad service enables the government to reach Canadians in case of an emergency, such as a natural disaster or civil unrest. In 2014, the Emergency Watch and Response Center responded to approximately 15 major emergencies worldwide and managed over 2,500 emergency consular files.
The center operates 24/7 and can be reached at 613-996-8885 or via email at Follow the 3Rs of international travel: Read up, Register and Reach us.
Travelling Abroad? Travel smart!
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