UCSB Extention
The UCSB Extension TESOL Programs are designed to prepare adults of all ages to teach English to speakers of other languages in the United States and abroad. A variety of program formats are available to help you balance school with your work and family commitments.
UCSB Extension's TESOL programs represent a highly practical approach to English Language teaching. The curriculum reflects careful study and consideration of current theory and its practical application in TESOL methodology. Our goal is to offer the most up-to-date and effective instruction in English as a Second and Foreign Language (ESL/EFL) teaching.
The 16 unit, 144 hour Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Professional Certificate Program and the 10 unit, 90 hour TESOL Methodology Professional Sequence Award are designed for both experienced and aspiring TESOL instructors.
Most students take two to five quarters to complete the program as continuing students. You may proceed at your own pace following the required sequence; however, we strongly advise that students attempt to complete the program in two years.
For planning purposes, in addition to the course sequence requirements, you should consult the matrix showing which courses will be offered each quarter. For each hour of class work, students should expect to spend at least an hour on outside class work and final assignments. In the summer quarter, students may complete the certificate as an intensive program over an accelerated period of 7.5 weeks.
All required courses are open for enrollment by both continuing and intensive students. Students intending to complete all requirements during the intensive summer program are advised to consider carefully the number of hours required in this compressed format and to plan accordingly.
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Listing Details
*Be formally accepted into the program
*Provide proof of a baccalaureate or a higher degree, or equivalent degree from an accredited institution
Have access to a computer and knowledge of basic computer skills.
*Successfully complete a total of 16 quarter units of required TESOL courses with grades of "C" or better
*Submit a portfolio that includes written assignments, observation tasks, and written feedback on assessed teaching
Courses are open to anyone who has completed two years of college course work or holds an A.A. degree or equivalent. However, to be eligible for the certificate, candidates must be formally accepted into the program. Provisional acceptance may be granted to domestic students who are in the process of completing a baccalaureate. The anticipated completion date must be no later than two years from the completion of the program requirements.
International students are required to participate in a short interview and should present a certificate to demonstrate that they have one of the following prerequisites:
* TOEFL iBT® 80 (Internet based)
* IELTS® 7.0