STS Cultural Exchange: High school student exchange and Au Pair abroad programmes
According to your age, STS offer 2 types of cultural exchange: = High School Student Exchange (14-18yo) This programme allows you to spend 2, 3, 5 or 10 months in the foreign country of your choice. This full immersion is possible in over 20 countries. You will get the chance to live with a volunteer host family and go to a local school. Unforgettable memories guaranteed! = Au Pair Abroad (18-26yo) This programme is a work placement programme as a live-in nanny in the USA, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and in France. it is open to every young man and woman who are looking for a work experience abroad while living with a local family. Both programmes offer a great cultural exchange. STS organizes for participants in all programmes activities as to get to know the others placed in your area.
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