International Guide Academy Tour Director and Tour Guide Certification Programs
We call ourselves International and we are. We are the only school offering you a choice of multiple international training locations including while at sea on a cruise ship. Our company mission is to continue being the best and most recognized educational institution, in the field of Travel and Tourism, in the world.
It is through our adherence to a strong code of ethics, honest representation, knowledge of the industry, our superb educational system, our lifetime free placement assistance, and our company commitment to consistent integrity that we have, for 39 years, made our mark in this industry.
Our number one goal is our absolute determination that you as a student have the very best educational experience possible and job placement support after your certification. We are the recognized industry experts in the Training, Certifying, and Placement of International Tour Managers and Tour Guides.
Learn more about one of the International Tour Manager and/or Tour Guide courses available to you in the USA, Canada and Mexico or onboard a cruise ship. Unlike others, what makes IGA's program stand out is that you need to earn your Certification, not just show up for class. Hiring companies recognize this. 2011 is our 39th year in business, 23rd year in the USA, 5th year in Mexico, 3rd year in China, 2nd year in Canada, and 3rd year offering our program onboard a cruise ship. Also, IGA has held classes in the South Pacific, Asia, the Caribbean and Europe in the past.
Request one of our company catalogs and see why we are consistently considered the best training program in the world. No Student Left Behind.
Why pay for placement? We provide Free Lifetime Placement Assistance for our graduates. While others might abandon you, the IGA family delivers.
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Listing Details
Tour Operators, Cruise Lines, Motor Coach companies, and Meeting Planning Companies hire our Certified International Tour Managers.
Destination Management Companies, Visitors Bureaus, Tour Guiding Companies, Event Planners, and Hotels hire our Certified Tour Guides.
Tour Operators, Cruise Lines, Motor Coach companies, and Meeting Planning Companies hire our Certified International Tour Managers.
Destination Management Companies, Visitors Bureaus, Tour Guiding Companies, Event Planners, and Hotels hire our Certified Tour Guides.
Others have contacted and applied for scholarship assistance through USA Funds, the National Tourism Foundation and the National Tour Association (NTA) (Lexington, KY), the United States Tour Operators Association (USTOA), The Foundation Center (Washington, DC), the American Bus Association (ABA), the Institute of International Education (New York City), the Student and Youth Travel Association (SYTA) which is partnered with Tourism Cares for Tomorrow, ASTA Scholarship Foundation (American Society of Travel Agents, Washington, DC) and others.