Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI): Fellowships of the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI)
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Listing Details
Sociology, Political Sciences, Other Social Sciences,
History, Archaeology, Other Humanities
Research fellows receive a monthly stipend of EUR 2,200, housing costs up to EUR 800, round-trip to and from Vienna via coach class airfare or 2nd class train fare, one-off payment of EUR 500 for research conducted outside of Vienna or photocopying costs outside of the institute, where applicable
Senior fellows receive a monthly stipend of EUR 2,500, housing costs up to EUR 800, round-trip to and from Vienna via coach class airfare or 2nd class train fare, one-off payment of EUR 500 for research conducted outside of Vienna or photocopying costs outside of the institute, where applicable..