Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science : Danish Summer Language Scholarships
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Listing Details
Not already enrolled at a higher education institution in Denmark.
Nominated by a lecturer who teaches Danish abroad.
Studying Danish or Scandinavian languages and literature.
Of China origin and enrolled in Beijing Foreign Studies University, The Danish Department, or The Institute of European Language and Culture, Beijing, P.R. China.
Of Canada origin and enrolled in: University of British Columbia, Department of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies, Vancouver, Canada
Of USA origin and enrolled in: Portland State University, Dept. of Foreign language and Literature, Portland, OR, or University of California, Department of Scandinavian Studies, Berkley, CA, or University of Texas at Austin, Department of Germanic Studies, Austin, TX, or University of Washington, Scandinavian Department, Seattle, WA, or University of Wisconsin, Department. of Scandinavian Studies, Madison, WI, or University of California, The Scandinavian Section, Los Angeles, CA.