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Teach English in Argentina and Chile: Resources

Some resources to get you started teaching English in Argentina and Chile.


English Teacher Training in Argentina

EBC Servicios Linguisticos, Buenos Aires (+54-11-6379-9391 in Argentina or 1-888-393-4015 in Canada and the U.S.; teflgap.org or ebc-tefl-course.com) regularly offers a month-long TEFL training course for USD$1559 (from USD$1,975 with accommodation), followed by a job placement programme. EBC claims to have contacts with 200+ language schools in Buenos Aires.

Expanish, Buenos Aires (+54-11-4322-0011 or 1-888-EXPANISH; expanishtefl.com) operates regular 120 or 150-hour TEFL courses in Buenos Aires incorporating a local job facilitation programme. Prices are respectively USD$1290 and USD$1599. Expanish offers an add-on week of Spanish lessons.

GIC Argentina, Buenos Aires (+54-11-5353-9497 in Argentina or 202-552-1081 in the U.S.; gicarg.org). TEFL/TESOL Certification in Buenos Aires offered by a cultural exchange organization. 120-hour intensive course offered monthly from USD$1,990 or, if combined with four-week Spanish course, USD$2,990 including student accommodation.

Íbero Spanish School, Buenos Aires (+54-11-5218-0240; iberospanish.com) runs intensive four-week TEFL certificate courses monthly from USD$950. Can be combined with three weeks of Spanish classes for USD$1,280 altogether.

Road2Argentina, Buenos Aires (+54-11-6379-9391 in Argentina or 1-800-998-9251 in the U.S.; road2argentina.com) offers a 150-hour TEFL training course in Buenos Aires from USD$2,150, which includes accommodation in a student residence (other options are available).

Bridge-Linguatec, Denver (303-785-8864 or 1-888-827-4757 in the U.S. and Canada; bridgetefl.com) Intensive 140-hour TEFL courses offered in Buenos Aires, costing USD$1,995 including registration fee, tuition and books. Room and board with a host family can be arranged for USD$740 or in a shared apartment from USD$500. Job search assistance is included.

LanguageCorps, Stow (1-877-216-3267; languagecorps.com/locations/Argentina.php). Works in association with Bridge-Linguatec and can arrange the same courses.


English Teacher Training in Chile

The TEFL Academy, Santiago (+56-8-791-0828; tefl-academy.com). Runs a 120-hour certificate course every month for USD$1,499, which includes lifelong job assistance. 

Bridge-Linguatec and LanguageCorps – U.S. contact and course details on previous page. Courses held in Santiago.


Paid Teaching in Private English Language Institutes Argentina

Recruitment Agencies

TeacherMexConnect, head offices in Miami and Monterrey (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; teachermexconnect.com). TEFL Certification is a prerequisite to be eligible to fill vacancies with this agency. Positions available in Córdoba, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires.

Language Institutes

A number of language institutes, many of which teach English for business, are linked from inglesnet.com. Websites often include a link to their employment page. A selection which regularly hire teachers and tutors includes: 

CAIT Idiomas, Buenos Aires (+54-11-4311-8544; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.cait.com.ar).

The American Training Co, Buenos Aires (+54-11-5290-5202/3; americantrainingco.com.ar) employs more then 20 qualified teachers to teach adults on a freelance basis.

Matthews Institute, Buenos Aires (+54-11-4772-9210; misitio.fibertel.com.ar/matthewsinstitute).

Network Institute, Buenos Aires 1870 (+54-11-4228-4900; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; networkinstitute.com.ar).


Paid Teaching in Private English Language Institutes Chile

Recruitment Agencies

TeachingChile (+1-720-221-3831 in the U.S. and Canada; teachingchile.com) is a recruiting and placement agency located in Santiago. For a facilitation fee of USD$1,395, the agency will match graduate candidates who are willing to obtain a TEFL Certificate with paid one-year teaching contracts in universities, primary and secondary schools and adult language institutes throughout Chile. They provide visa and housing services. Applicants for private institutes should apply at least two months in advance. Average pay promised is 335,000m Chilean pesos per month for 15 teaching hours per week.

TeacherMexConnect, head offices in Miami and Monterrey (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.teachermexconnect.com). TEFL Certification is a pre-requisite to fill agency’s vacancies in Concepcion, Punta Arenas and Santiago.

Language Institutes

Burford English Centre, Santiago (+56-2-235-1056; burford.cl).

EF English First, Santiago (+56-2-374-2180 and +56-2-242-8380; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.ef-chile.cl). Hires 35 to 40 teachers locally; native speakers preferred. 

Instituto Chileno-Britanico de Cultura, Santiago (+56-2-638-2156; britanico.cl). This institute has other branches in Las Condes, La Florida, Nuñoa and Providencia.

Instituto Chileno Suizo de Idiomas y Cultura,  Santiago (chilenosuizo.cl). Another institute in Santiago that operates an exchange programme of Spanish for English lessons.

Woodward Chile, Santiago (+56-2-481-2240; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


Agencies in Argentina that Arrange Volunteer Teaching Placements

Colonias de Inmersión al Idioma (CII), Buenos Aires (+54-11-4831 8152; ecolonias.com) recruits language facilitators to work in schools. Participants must have a university degree, speaking knowledge of Spanish and a TEFL certificate. TEFL Placement Express fee is USD$200. Other cultural-cum-teaching programmes are available for higher fees but with fewer prerequisites.

Connecting Schools To The World, Buenos Aires (+54-11-477-26724; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; connectingschools.com.ar) places graduate volunteers from English-speaking countries in different towns. Positions begin in March or July. The programme fee of USD$500 includes one-week of ESL training on arrival, homestay with Argentine families, private Spanish tutoring, a round-trip bus ticket from Buenos Aires to the placement location and 200 pesos monthly stipend.

La Montana Spanish School, Patagonia (+54-2944-524212; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; lamontana.com/volunteer-work). Students who complete a Spanish course (typically lasting four weeks) can be placed in rural schools around Patagonia for a month or more. The placement fee is USD$100. 

Pasantias Argentinas, Córdoba (+54-351-474-5947; pasantias-argentinas.com) arranges professional internships in Córdoba, including English teaching placements. Open to all native English speakers aged 19 to 35 for a fee of USD$195 per week. All programmes are combined with intensive Spanish classes. 

Road2Argentina, Buenos Aires (+54-11-4821-3271; road2argentina.com) places ESL interns for one to six months, as part of a cultural exchange and language immersion programme. International interns are accepted without relevant training or experience to help in private or public school classrooms. Programme fees start at USD$975 for one month and include accommodation. Also offers ELT training courses (see page one for details).


Agencies in Chile that Arrange Volunteer Teaching Placements

Programa Inglés Abre Puertas (English Open Doors) Santiago (+56-2-487-5466; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; centrodevoluntarios.cl). English immersion courses taught in state schools in small towns and villages throughout Chile. Volunteers receive a small monthly stipend of 85,500 pesos (USD$150) in addition to free room and board.

Voluntarios de Esperanza, Santiago (+56-2-717-99-37 or 617-674-2649 in the U.S.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Works with partner institutions to place volunteers to work with children, including teaching English. The application process is competitive and no registration fee is charged.


Agencies in North America that Arrange Volunteer Teaching Positions in Argentina and Chile

TEFL Institute, Chicago (773-880-5141; teflinstitute.com). Cooperates with the Chilean Ministry of Education to place students and graduates in small-town schools for the summer or school year. Participants must enroll in a TEFL Institute online or four-week TEFL training course. Chile summer programme fee is USD$50-$250, depending on date of registration. 

InterExchange, New York (212-924-0446; workingabroad.org/teach-english-chile.html). Mediating agency for the Teach English in Chile programme as described above (see TELF Institute listing for programme details). Participants must be over 21 and have a knowledge of Spanish. Programme lasts four, six or eight months and end in November. Programme fee from USD$995.

Cultural Embrace, Austin (1-888-214-8570; culturalembrace.com). Chilean programme, as above (see TELF Institute listing for programme details). Also arranges volunteer teaching placements in Argentina; fee of USD$1,480 for one to three months.

AIDE, Austin (1-866-6ABROAD; aideabroad.org). Chilean programme, as above (see TELF Institute listing for programme details). Registration fee of USD$800-$1,000, depending on duration.

AmeriSpan, Philadelphia (215-751-1100; amerispan.com) is primarily a language-training organization, but it also arranges internships in education and other fields, lasting two weeks to six months, in Argentina and Chile.

Projects Abroad, Toronto (1-877-921-9666; projects-abroad.ca.) Volunteer teaching placements based in and around the town of Unquillo in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. Fees from $2,895 for one month to $4,295 for three months.


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