Funding programs
Funding type
The Open Scholarship is available to graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in any discipline, in Canada or elsewhere.
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Funding programs
Funding type
IDRC offers this Fellowship (a bequest from Helen S. Bentley and C. Fred Bentley) every two years in October to a Canadian, permanent resident of Canada, or a citizen of a developing country. You must be a graduate student with a university degree in agriculture, forestry, or biology, and wish...
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Funding programs
Funding type
IDRC offers this fellowship annually to facilitate field research on the relationship between forest resources and the social, economic, cultural, and environmental welfare of people in developing countries.
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Funding programs
Funding type
The Globalink Research Award provides an opportunity for faculty at Canadian universities to strengthen existing international research collaborations and connect with colleagues around the world through the mobility of senior undergraduate and graduate students.
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Funding programs
Funding type
IDRC offers these research awards annually to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing master’s or doctoral studies at a recognized university or having completed a master’s or doctoral program at a recognized university. As a research award recipient, you will undertake a...
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Funding programs
Funding type
IDRC Doctoral Research Awards are intended to promote the growth of Canadian and developing-country capacity in research to improve the lives of people in the developing world. These awards are intended for field research in one or more developing countries.
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Funding programs
Funding type
The Education Abroad Individual Award encourages continuing UAlberta undergraduate and graduate students to undertake an education abroad experience; allows students to choose from a wide variety of education abroad programs, both in type (e.g., exchange/ study abroad/faculty-led/internship/research) and in destination; encourages students to take a leadership role in developing their...
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Funding programs
Funding type
Awarded to University of Alberta students to assist with the costs of travel for a formal international academic exchange program.
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Funding programs
Funding type
For University of Alberta undergraduate or graduate students who wish to conduct a summer research project in international studies during the spring or summer term.
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Funding programs
Funding type
For 3rd or 4th year undergraduate student registered in a University of Alberta degree program who wish to participate in a study exchange for one term (fall or winter) or academic year (fall and winter) at a UAlberta exchange partner institution.
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