Funding programs
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PiLA has partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community, government and multilateral organizations throughout Latin America and the Caribbean that seek highly qualified recent college graduates who take up full-year service fellowships in development work. PiLA fellowships offer formative field experience to those interested in working with community oriented organizations...
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The Cultural Vistas Fellowship affords underrepresented U.S. university students the unique opportunity to advance their career goals, develop global competencies, and experience life in another culture.
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Funding programs
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This fund provides one scholarship, annually, for study abroad experiences through accredited, post high school, educational institutions.
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Through the Ritchie-Jennings Memorial Scholarship, the ACFE Foundation supports the education of students who have an interest in pursuing a career in fraud examination. The scholarship provides an opportunity for students to advance their education and anti-fraud career paths.
Read more Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW): CFUW Dr. Margaret McWilliams Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
Funding programs
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This fellowship, established in 1952, honours Margaret McWilliams, first CFUW President (1919-1923), who dedicated her life to furthering the status of women through improved access to higher education and the active involvement of women in public life.
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Honours those for whom the CFUW Charitable Trust receives memorial donations.
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Honours a founding member of the Nova Scotia Home Economics Association who dedicated her professional life to home economics education.
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Established in 2006, in memory of Elizabeth Massey, a young lawyer and member of CFUW whose life was greatly enriched by her love of the creative arts.
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A scholarship established in honor of AIA Past President Elizabeth Bartman to assist graduate students or those who have recently completed a master’s degree with the expenses associated with participating in a museum internship either in the United States or abroad.
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The ACLS Scholarship for Healthcare Providers can support applicants in their studies, helping them complete medical school, and get a head start on their careers.
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