Funding programs
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Varsity Tutors offers a monthly college scholarship contest to students who write the best essay in response to a monthly prompt.
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Funding programs
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The Fellowship provides community-focused experiential learning opportunities for graduating students to become active and effective change-makers, bringing new ideas and working closely with communities to foster sustainable and positive social change in Canada and around the world. The Coady Institute is partnered with the following universities...
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To honor USAC's long history in international education, Legacy Scholarships are available to the children, siblings, and spouses of alumni (a paying participant who previously attended a USAC Program).
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In order to encourage talented members of minority groups to pursue careers in Classics or Archaeology the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) administers a summer scholarship program for promising minority undergraduates majoring in the study of classical languages and cultures.
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Funding programs
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The Council of American Overseas Research Centers Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program supports advanced regional or trans-regional research in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences for U.S. doctoral candidates and scholars who have already earned their Ph.D.
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The purpose of the award is to permit a short, exploratory research trip abroad to determine the feasibility of a Ph. D. dissertation topic dealing with some facet of Latin American history.
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The ultimate aim of the ICWA Fellowship program is to cultivate deep expertise in foreign countries and cultures, achieved by supporting a Fellow over a two year period, during which she or he carries out an immersive program of self-designed, independent study abroad.
Read more Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) : Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship
Funding programs
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Established in honor of AIA Honorary President Jane Waldbaum, this scholarship is intended to help students who are planning to participate in archaeological field work for the first time.
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The Open Society Fellowship supports individuals seeking innovative and unconventional approaches to fundamental open society challenges. The fellowship funds work that will enrich public understanding of those challenges and stimulate far-reaching and probing conversations within the Open Society Foundations and in the world.
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The Rainforest Alliance has a long history of working with forest communities that have established their own locally managed enterprises, providing them with training and technical assistance on sustainable forestry practices, value-added processing, business administration, market access and more. Recognizing that sound scientific inquiry can help to guide technical assistance...
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