8 results - showing 1 - 8
Get paid to work in a selection of countries from around the world. Travel and see more on days off. Participants can also join a volunteer program and immerse themselves in another culture or study languages abroad. Short group trips are available as well.
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The Youths Go Abroad program is a year-long immersion program for high school students lasting 10 to 12 months. Students stay with a host family and go to school. Program options include a year abroad, a semester abroad or an intensive summer program. AFS also organizes activities so that...
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The Eurolingua Institute provides opportunities to learn foreign languages in the countries where they are spoken. They offer programs throughout Europe, North America, Latin America, Caribbean, South Africa, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
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YFU is a non-profit international educational organization and one of the worlds oldest, largest and most respected exchange organizations. Established in 1951, YFU has successfully exchanged more than 240,000 students worldwide. That's why we have been selected to administer more government and corporate scholarships than any other high school...
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Boren Scholarships and Fellowships provide opportunities for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to become more proficient in the cultures and languages of world regions critical to U.S. interests. Award amounts are up to $20,000 for the Boren Scholarships and $30,000 for the Boren Fellowships to study abroad...
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The Schulich International MBA offers students, Canadian and non-Canadian, the opportunity to have a global vision and international perspective. The twenty-month program, which commences each Fall term, includes: a work term, study abroad term, international field study, cultural and language studies and regional specialization.
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Going overseas to live, work, teach, volunteer, or study? Interested in sharing your experiences with people considering doing something similar? Apply to blog about your time abroad, as a featured blogger for Verge Magazine. This is an outstanding opportunity to work one-on-one with an editor, hone your...
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We are an industry-leading language course provider, offering 19 languages and operating in over 90 countries around the world. We focus on and promote cultural diversity and integration through our immersive language courses and programs. With culturally diverse classrooms, our experienced and highly qualified instructors are able...
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8 results - showing 1 - 8