8 results - showing 1 - 8
A year away can't be measured in days alone. Students will only be gone for a school year, but the experience will enrich the rest of their life. Living in another country for a year is something most people never have the opportunity to do. Students return with new...
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Study programs
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ASSE's Summer Homestay or European Summer Language programs offer the perfect solution to living and studying abroad. Participants get a firsthand experience with another country's culture and way of life, and are be able to improve their foreign language skills dramatically! (In some countries participants can be placed with...
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Study programs
Program type
Together with faculty leaders and administrators, we create custom designed study abroad programs that are based on the learning objectives unique to their courses. We are committed to offering the highest quality in academic and professional visits, guest lectures, and meetings - all carefully selected to match the focus...
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Study programs
Program type
Canadian students who are currently in full time attendance at a university or college in Canada studying engineering, technical sciences or technologies such as architecture, agriculture and forestry, can be placed abroad through IAESTE Canada. Most jobs are for undergraduates who have completed three-quarters of their degree program. Students...
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International House Study Abroad offers students an opportunity to learn a language along with the culture of the language. International House Study Abroad schools teach 16 languages - in 33 countries - in over 50 schools.
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Boren Scholarships and Fellowships provide opportunities for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to become more proficient in the cultures and languages of world regions critical to U.S. interests. Award amounts are up to $20,000 for the Boren Scholarships and $30,000 for the Boren Fellowships to study abroad...
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Going overseas to live, work, teach, volunteer, or study? Interested in sharing your experiences with people considering doing something similar? Apply to blog about your time abroad, as a featured blogger for Verge Magazine. This is an outstanding opportunity to work one-on-one with an editor, hone your...
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We are an industry-leading language course provider, offering 19 languages and operating in over 90 countries around the world. We focus on and promote cultural diversity and integration through our immersive language courses and programs. With culturally diverse classrooms, our experienced and highly qualified instructors are able...
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8 results - showing 1 - 8