Working for G Adventures is a lifestyle choice that provides the chance to work for an organization that is young, aggressive and proud of being market leaders. G Adventures prides itself on being a "work hard/play hard" company that is dedicated to entrepreneurial spirit. G Adventures people find passion...
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CANADEM connects international agencies to Canadian experts. Established in 1996 with funding from the Canadian Department of Global Affairs to respond to staffing requests from international peace operations, Canada's Civilian Reserve: --Manages a national roster of over 8000 Canadians skilled in human rights, civil society democratization, elections, rule of law,...
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WHO's Internship Programme provides a wide range of opportunities for students to gain insight into the work of WHO. Every year a limited number of places for internships are available. Internships are available in a wide variety of areas related to the technical work of WHO. Prospective interns are...
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Note: This program has been suspended by the Government of Canada under Stephen Harper. Positions have not been offered to Canadians since 2010. Positions are still available for nationals of many countries in Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Programme is...
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CISV was organized to give life to the idea that education for peace starts with children. The method of education is learning through doing; it is action in progress. This is the idea behind the Village. The Village is a four-week long international residential camp. Villages consist of delegations of...
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Canadian students who are currently in full time attendance at a university or college in Canada studying engineering, technical sciences or technologies such as architecture, agriculture and forestry, can be placed abroad through IAESTE Canada. Most jobs are for undergraduates who have completed three-quarters of their degree program. Students...
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The Placement Office maintains a registry of teachers interested in international opportunities, the International Teacher Placement Service. Throughout the year, overseas schools contact the Placement Office looking for appropriately qualified teachers; the positions and location of the schools vary widely. Appropriately qualified teachers are then referred for consideration, which...
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Work programs
Crewseekers offers postings for professional work on yachts that are looking for crew all around the world. Crewseekers helps both amateur and professional crew of all ages and experience levels who share a common and keen interest in sailing. Beginners and experts alike are always welcome to use their services....
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Work programs
The Eurolingua Institute provides opportunities to learn foreign languages in the countries where they are spoken. They offer programs throughout Europe, North America, Latin America, Caribbean, South Africa, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
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Changing Worlds pride itself on the quality of their service to customers. Their placements are carefully designed to give volunteers a great experience in their chosen country. The placements are visited and monitored regularly by their overseas representatives. The Changing Worlds directors are also in regular contact and visit at...
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