10 results - showing 1 - 10
Get paid to work in a selection of countries from around the world. Travel and see more on days off. Participants can also join a volunteer program and immerse themselves in another culture or study languages abroad. Short group trips are available as well.
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Semester at Sea is a global study abroad program taking students around the globe aboard the MV Explorer each fall and spring semester, and on shorter, regional voyages each summer. The MV Explorer has been equipped as a floating university. The University of Virginia serves as the program's academic...
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Study Abroad UW Up with People 0
Up with People is a global education and arts organization whose goal is to bridge cultural barriers and create global understanding through service and music. Our program offers a unique, unparalleled experience for its international students through the unique mix of program components: Multi-continent international travel Community...
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International House Study Abroad offers students an opportunity to learn a language along with the culture of the language. International House Study Abroad schools teach 16 languages - in 33 countries - in over 50 schools.
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Study Abroad EI Eurolingua Institute 0
The Eurolingua Institute provides opportunities to learn foreign languages in the countries where they are spoken.  They offer programs throughout Europe, North America, Latin America, Caribbean, South Africa, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
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Caledonia Languages Abroad has flexible programs that run all year round, with language courses from as short as one week at language schools throughout the world. Their tutors are specially qualified to teach their language as a foreign language and use creative classroom activities to motivate students. They offer a...
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Boren Scholarships and Fellowships provide opportunities for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to become more proficient in the cultures and languages of world regions critical to U.S. interests. Award amounts are up to $20,000 for the Boren Scholarships and $30,000 for the Boren Fellowships to study abroad...
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The Schulich International MBA offers students, Canadian and non-Canadian, the opportunity to have a global vision and international perspective. The twenty-month program, which commences each Fall term, includes: a work term, study abroad term, international field study, cultural and language studies and regional specialization.
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Study Abroad PD Pacific Discovery 0
Pacific Discovery offers extraordinary international learning adventures. Our summer, semester and gap year programs abroad combine cultural immersion, volunteer and service learning projects in conservation and community development, sustainable adventure travel, personal and leadership development, and lots of fun! Join us on a life-changing adventure! 4-week international...
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Study Abroad VM Verge Magazine 0
Going overseas to live, work, teach, volunteer, or study? Interested in sharing your experiences with people considering doing something similar? Apply to blog about your time abroad, as a featured blogger for Verge Magazine. This is an outstanding opportunity to work one-on-one with an editor, hone your...
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10 results - showing 1 - 10


Travel with purpose; travel for good. Articles, resources and events for ethical and meaningful travel, volunteering, working and studying abroad.

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