Working for G Adventures is a lifestyle choice that provides the chance to work for an organization that is young, aggressive and proud of being market leaders. G Adventures prides itself on being a "work hard/play hard" company that is dedicated to entrepreneurial spirit. G Adventures people find passion...
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CANADEM connects international agencies to Canadian experts. Established in 1996 with funding from the Canadian Department of Global Affairs to respond to staffing requests from international peace operations, Canada's Civilian Reserve: --Manages a national roster of over 8000 Canadians skilled in human rights, civil society democratization, elections, rule of law,...
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UNAIDS grants internships to selected post-secondary students to allow them to participate in the work of UNAIDS and to enable them to deepen their knowledge and understanding of UNAIDS' goals, policies and activities. UNAIDS only proposes internship opportunities at the Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland. Applicants interested in doing voluntary work...
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The UNICEF Internship Programme offers eligible/qualified students at both Headquarters and country offices the opportunity to acquire direct practical experience in UNICEF's work under the direct supervision of experienced UNICEF staff.
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WHO's Internship Programme provides a wide range of opportunities for students to gain insight into the work of WHO. Every year a limited number of places for internships are available. Internships are available in a wide variety of areas related to the technical work of WHO. Prospective interns are...
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Work programs
Program type
The Leadership Development Programme (LEAD) is an entry point for young development professionals interested in a career with UNDP. It provides qualified individuals exciting opportunities to develop their experience, knowledge and skills and to serve as development practitioners in UNDP, while contributing to development work. The duration of the...
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Work programs
Program type
Internships offer a small group of outstanding graduate-level students the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to UNDP's work. They are designed to complement development-oriented studies with practical experience in various aspects of multilateral technical cooperation, but also complements other international studies, including law. Internships can take place in a UNDP...
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Work programs
Program type
The Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Programme provides young professionals pursuing a career in development with hands-on experience in multi-lateral technical co-operation. JPOs are offered one year fixed term contracts which are normally renewed for a second year (two years being the usual length of assignment), subject to satisfactory performance....
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Program type
Note: This program has been suspended by the Government of Canada under Stephen Harper. Positions have not been offered to Canadians since 2010. Positions are still available for nationals of many countries in Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Programme is...
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The mission of the IDS unit of Commonwealth Games Canada is to work in partnership to build leadership skills in, and enhance the capacity of, individuals, communities and nations, using the convening and transformative power of sport. IDS currently works in the Southern African and Caribbean regions, but the scope...
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