Students on Ice: Learn about and Travel to the Arctic or Antarctic
Students on Ice offers unique learning expeditions to the Antarctic and the Arctic. Their mandate is to provide students from around the world with inspiring educational opportunities at the ends of the earth, and in doing so, help them foster a new understanding and respect for the planet. High school, college and university students can apply. On expedition, several different learning formats are used depending on the topic being explored, the ship's location, weather conditions, and the skills and experiences of the education team members. These learning formats include: lectures, workshops and hands-on activities that will be shore, zodiac, and ship-based in setting. They also incorporate small group discussion and reflection opportunities into each day through "pod teams." A theme of "Environmental Leadership" weaves itself through the education programme in conjunction with an ongoing exploration of the history, culture, general science, and politics of the place of travel.
- 2 weeks or less
- 2 weeks - 1 month
Age notes
The age range is mostly between 14 and 19.
Student status required
Type of student status required
- High school
- Current student
- Undergraduate/college
Application process
Application forms can be downloaded from the website.
Price includes
- Accommodation
- Airport pick-up
- Meals
- Orientation