IES Abroad: Study Abroad Programs
Study programs
All programs
- 1-3 months
- 3-6 months
- 6-12 months
- Undergraduate/college
- >$5000
- Accommodation
- Airport pick-up
- Insurance
- Language classes
- Meals
- Orientation
- Tuition
Everything we do is about the IES Abroad student. Created in 1950, we believe in crafting unforgettable, life-changing educational adventures that go beyond our students' expectations. Every year about 6,500 study abroad students choose IES Abroad for their authentic study and intern abroad experience. Our work starta in our Chicago headquarters and spreads across more than 130 study abroad programs in more than 30+ locations worldwide. With this network, we develop authentic global education and life-affirming cultural experiences. We believe that studying abroad should be a part of every student's academic life, and we aim to not only provide study abroad opportunities, but to consistently maintain a friendly, fun, and safe academic and cultural environment. We believe so firmly in the power of our academically superior programs, that we actively recruit students from diverse populations and pledges more than $5 million in scholarships year after year. We are proud that our students are as diverse and exciting as the countries we study. Through IES Internships, we offer a variety of full-time semester and summer internships in 15 locations around the world. For more than 40 years, we've provided opportunities to intern in some of the world's most exciting cities. With IES Internships, you'll have a guaranteed placement, more on-the-job hours, dedicated assistance with résumés and interviewing skills, and the ability to network with other students. How will study abroad redefine you? We can't wait to find out.