Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Study Abroad Program
Study programs
- 2 weeks - 1 month
- 1-3 months
- 3-6 months
- 6-12 months
- 12 months+
- High school or equivalent
- $1001-$2500
- $2501-$5000
- >$5000
- Accommodation
- Entrance fees
- Insurance
- Language classes
- Orientation
- Tuition
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem invites international students from around the world to come to Israel to take advantage of the wide range of superb, first-class study programs offered at its Rothberg International School.
Excellence: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is a multidisciplinary institution of higher learning and research, and a scientific center of international repute. Ranked among the world’s leading universities, at the Hebrew University students of all backgrounds receive a university education where excellence is emphasized. Its faculty and alumni have been awarded numerous national and international prizes, including the Nobel Prize.
Global: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem opened its first program for international students in 1955 with 22 American students. Since then, the programs for students from abroad have been steadily expanded and the number of courses offered greatly increased. Today its Rothberg International School attracts more than 2000 students annually, from over 65 countries around the globe.
Jerusalem: From the hilltop of the Mount Scopus campus, the incredible panorama of Jerusalem unfolds. In the Talmud it says: "Of the ten measures of beauty allotted to the world, nine were given to Jerusalem." Medieval maps show Jerusalem as the heart of the world. Astonishingly, it remains there: the seam line where West meets East, the First World faces the Third World, and where Judaism, Christianity and Islam join and intercross.
Community: The vibrant Mount Scopus campus offers ample opportunities outside the classroom for international students to interact with one another and to encounter their Israeli peers. Students can take advantage of stimulating lectures and seminars; diverse social, cultural and religious activities; invigorating athletic and recreational pursuits, and so much more.
Hebrew University: Where Past and Future Meet